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Finbold: The Top 7 Cryptocurrencies to Purchase Right Now at a Discount

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With crypto prices correcting over the past 24 hours, this presents a timely opportunity for market participants to buy coins ahead of the next leg up.

With this in mind, we have compiled a list of the seven best cryptos to buy on the dip. We provide a mix of newly launched projects with vast upside potential and more established ones that present solid buying opportunities.

Bitcoin ETF Token: Newly Launched Presale With 267% Staking APY and a Burn Mechanism

The overall best crypto to buy on this dip is Bitcoin ETF Token. It is a newly launched project currently undergoing a presale. 

After launching last week, it has already raised almost $1 million and received coverage from top media outlets and analysts. This illustrates the project’s mainstream allure and indicates tremendous long-term potential.

News giants like Yahoo Finance, Investing.com, Cointelegraph, and Crypto News have all picked up on Bitcoin ETF Token. Meanwhile, analysts like Jacob Bury, Allesandro De Crypto, and many more have backed it to explode.

The reason for the project’s mass appeal is its relevance to the thriving Bitcoin ETF trend while also incorporating revolutionary tokenomics for long-term potential and to reward its community.

In alignment with the Bitcoin ETF approvals, Bitcoin ETF Token will burn 5% of its total supply at five key milestones. This will create a sense of scarcity while hype is highest. It also features a 5% burn tax on each transaction, making $BTCETF deflationary and enabling it to grow in value over time.

It also features a staking mechanism with a 267% APY and a news feed, updating users on the latest Bitcoin ETF advancements.

Investors can buy $BTCETF for $0.0054 but must hurry because its price will rise in two days.

Visit Bitcoin ETF Token

Meme Kombat: New Play-to-Earn Meme Coin With Doxxed Team 

Meme Kombat is an exciting new meme coin that taps into the Play-to-Earn/crypto gambling niches for widespread exposure. Like Bitcoin ETF Token, Meme Kombat is faring in popular demand, having raised a whopping $1.8 million in its presale.

With meme coins and crypto gambling faring as two of the most trending niches lately, Meme Kombat looks poised for strong upside potential. Consequently, prominent analyst Michael Wrubel recently explained to his 310K YouTube subscribers why he is bullish on the project. 

Scratching beneath the surface, it is evident that Meme Kombat holds real substance and long-term potential. It features multiple game modes, enabling users to gamble on AI-generated battles between meme coin characters.

There are single and multiplayer modes and different seasons, each comprising new characters, rewards, and more.

It also features a smart contract audit and a doxxed team, indicating that the project is secure and protecting investors from a rug pull. This potentially makes it a more attractive investment than other meme coins with anonymous teams.

Furthermore, Meme Kombat boasts a staking mechanism offering a 601% APY. However, potential investors must act fast because this will decrease as the staking pool grows.

Visit Meme Kombat Presale

TG Casino: GambleFi Token of Telegram Casino With 25% Cashback on Losses

TG Casino is a new crypto casino on the cusp of blockchain innovation, launching on Telegram to provide unwavering benefits while leveraging the hype surrounding Telegram-based projects.

Launching on Telegram makes TG Casino more accessible, easier to use and protects users’ privacy with end-to-end encryption. Furthermore, it is KYC-free and does not require users to create an account, meaning they can gamble anonymously and get started in seconds.

Meanwhile, it does not compromise security – TG Casino is one of the only Telegram-based casinos fully licensed and regulated. Moreover, it has received a flawless smart contract audit from blockchain security firm Coinsult.

Another exciting thing about TG Casino is that its native token captures value by providing real utility on the platform. Holders get free rewards, access to exclusive games and room, 25% cashback on losses, and a 247% staking APY.

Moreover, $TGC holders benefit from the casino’s success thanks to its innovative buyback mechanism. The feature will repurchase $TGC from the open market with a portion of the casino’s profits. It will then burn 40% and distribute 60% as staking rewards.

This will bolster its demand while making the token deflationary, creating a favorable supply and demand environment.

Visit TG Casino Presale

Bitcoin Minetrix: Groundbreaking Mining Solution Enabling Anyone to Earn Free Bitcoin Effortlessly

Bitcoin Minetrix is a compelling new project reshaping the Bitcoin mining landscape by making it more secure, faster, and beginner-friendly.

The project has raised a staggering $4.1 million and is backed as the next crypto to explode by prominent media outlets like Business Insider, Bitcoin Magazine, and BeInCrypto. 

This illustrates the community’s significant interest but is no surprise considering its monumentally critical use case.

Bitcoin Minetrix enables anyone to mine Bitcoin from its Ethereum-based platform by staking $BTCMTX tokens. They do not need hardware or technical know-how, and there are no overhead costs.

As a result, Bitcoin Minetrix moves Bitcoin mining toward mass adoption, and its $BTCMTX token is central to the operation, providing unfathomable upside potential.

The process works by users staking $BTCMTX for Bitcoin mining credits. They can then burn these credits for cloud mining power, translating to free Bitcoin.

This concept is ingenious because it creates massive demand for $BTCMTX while minimizing the supply through staking and paying out rewards in credits, not $BTCMTX.

Investors can buy $BTCMTX for $0.0117, but with a price rise set to occur in four days and the presale selling fast, they must act quickly to not miss out.

Visit Bitcoin Minetrix Presale

Launchpad XYZ: All-in-One Crypto Analytics Platform Providing 10X Trading Signals

Launchpad XYZ is a promising new cryptocurrency that equips traders with all the necessary tools to succeed in the crypto markets.

One of its most popular tools is its Telegram trading signals service, which analyzes an array of data to provide users with signals on which cryptocurrencies to buy.5GL9up-rLBXAcvXLHBk8iy2olRWFCn82VyKw9M1IdHFLlIffMXPuG8qs8vuROkYTjWXM5O2vGURpUjMu_eH3hM1d0rwxVxr_h4SFsVS3dQIDjSHkWktIuxcGirXpTJFk3xYFBRJP27CvYad6OU70NIA

The service has also provided countless profitable trades, with its best call so far rendering a 29x return – this would have quickly turned a $1k trade into a whopping $29K.

However, its services span well beyond trading signals. For instance, it offers an AI language model, assisting users with their trading needs and enabling them to gather data quickly.

It also features a trading strategy builder, enabling users to build and backtest trading strategies. Then, it offers a trading terminal where users can automatically execute these trades.

Launchpad XYZ also offers many more tools, aiming to provide “all of web3 in one place.” This is a significantly ambitious goal but would result in tremendous upside potential if it pulls it off.

Users require $LPX to access its services, likely creating a significant stream of demand given the value they provide.

Visit Launchpad XYZ Presale

Cardano: Ethereum-Competitor With Growing Network Activity and Robust Decentralization

Another project to buy on the dip is Cardano. There are multiple reasons for this, with the primary one being it is an Ethereum competitor with lower fees, which is increasingly important as Ethereum gas fees become unaffordable heading into the bull rally.

A Cardano competitor, Solana, recently saw tremendous gains, pumping over 100% this month. Meanwhile, Cardano is up just 46%. However, Cardano boasts significant advantages over Solana in terms of decentralization and security – two of the most crucial attributes of layer 1 blockchains.

Moreover, Cardano’s total value locked (TVL) has been steadily climbing. Consequently, it has forged its most significant ever gap between TVL and price, making this a potentially lucrative time to buy.

The value of stablecoins on the network is also steadily growing. This is another significantly bullish factor since it shows market participants are moving collateral to the chain, likely as a means to buy $ADA or other Cardano assets in the future.

Despite this, Cardano’s price is down 7%, providing a significant discount for those looking to buy. It holds a $12.7 billion market cap and a $536 million 24-hour trading volume.

Hedera: Scalable Layer 1 Blockchain With Prominent Partnerships and All-in-One SDK for Stablecoin Development

Hedera is an upcoming blockchain solution that recently launched a tool enabling developers to launch stablecoins through its all-in-one software development kit (SDK).

The project has secured partnerships with leading global brands, including Google, IBM, LG, and many more. It has also just announced a partnership with Taekion, a company funded by the US Department of Defence, the US Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation.

Hedera has secured such impressive partnerships because of its cutting-edge blockchain technology, which provides vast scalability alongside market-leading security.

Some of the key metrics boasted by its website include 3.47-second transaction finality, an average cost per transaction of $0.0001, and a whopping 97 million transactions on the network in the last 24 hours.

The blockchain has EVM-compatible smart contract functionality, delivering use cases like NFTs, DeFi, decentralized identity, and more. Also, being EVM-compatible means it is accessible via Ethereum-compatible wallets and enables a more seamless flow of liquidity and data with other compatible networks.

HBAR is priced at $0.06081, down 2.3% in the last 24 hours and only up 20% this year. This provides massive room for growth, considering many projects have already done a 2-4x this year.


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Author: Pamela Long

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Name: Pamela Long

Birthday: 1913-01-20

Address: 301 Thomas Stravenue Apt. 130, Taylorchester, MN 54889

Phone: +4134746529462867

Job: Nurse

Hobby: Drone Flying, Aquarium Keeping, Pottery, Video Editing, Robotics, Sculpting, Wildlife Photography

Introduction: My name is Pamela Long, I am a valuable, bold, dedicated, courageous, dear, expert, risk-taking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.