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Upon launch, the new meme coin $COPIUM surges 400%, with traders backing it up to 1000 times

New York, NY --News Direct-- Finance News

$COPIUM, a new meme coin to help traders cope with the volatility of the crypto market, just launched on Uniswap and is already shooting upward.

Traders and analysts are calling for $COPIUM to be the next meme coin to 1000x, following in the footsteps of recent hits like $PEPE and $SPONGE.

Within just minutes of launching at 4pm UTC, the coin gained more than 400%. The price continues to climb rapidly as traders pile into $COPIUM.

$COPIUM Looks To Capitalize On—And Make Fun Of—Meme Coin Craze

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The idea behind Copium Club is to create a humorous, self-deprecating community for traders who need a way to cope with whatever happened to them during the recent meme coin frenzy.

Whether traders missed the boat on an explosive token or got left holding the bag, they can find a community of fellow meme coin traders in Copium.

As Copium puts it, “We're here to prove that laughter can, indeed, make you rich, even if you bought the top.”

The idea is bound to appeal to crypto traders, many of whom have been taken for a wild ride in the last few weeks of meme coin trading. $PEPE exploded more than 6,000% before crashing back to earth, and traders who bought the top can find a chance at redemption in $COPIUM.

Buy $COPIUM on Uniswap

Vested Presale Unlocks Tokens Over 3 Weeks

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$COPIUM is different from the meme coins that came before it.

The project is focused on creating a fair launch, meaning that traders who didn’t have access to the project’s exclusive presale have a chance to take part in the token’s explosive trajectory.

The team behind Copium token sold 30% of the token supply, or 300,000 $COPIUM, through a presale that was only open to 200 crypto traders, influencers, insiders, and engaged community members. Each presale investor was limited to a maximum of 1 ETH worth of $COPIUM.

However, these presale investors weren’t free to dump their $COPIUM onto the market when the token launched on Uniswap.

Instead, only 10% of presale investors’ $COPIUM unlocked before the DEX launch. The remaining 90% of tokens will unlock linearly over the next three weeks.

This is a major shift from how previous meme coin projects have operated. It means that even as new traders are piling into $COPIUM on the open market, early investors can’t pull out suddenly.

This is a big part of why crypto influencers see $COPIUM soaring to 100x. A fair launch appeals to more traders, and more than one-quarter of the $COPIUM supply is locked up at launch.

It’s a recipe for explosive price action.

$COPIUM Airdrop Incentivizes Rapid Investment, 2-week Hold

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The team behind Copium Club is making the token’s launch even more attractive with an airdrop.

The top 200 investors in Copium shortly after launch will receive an NFT, which they can redeem for an airdrop of $COPIUM tokens two weeks from now. The top 200 investors will be determined by a snapshot two hours after launch.

The size of the airdrop for each investor is determined by how much $COPIUM they have and how long they hold it for. The NFT is a tank, which fills up to 5% each day based on whether investors continue to hold onto their tokens.

Two weeks from now, those top 200 investors can claim their airdrop using their NFT. The amount of $COPIUM they’ll receive depends on how full their tank is.

This is another clever mechanism to electrify the $COPIUM launch.

It incentivizes investors to buy up as much $COPIUM as they can right now, before the snapshot is taken at two hours post-launch. Then, the token’s biggest investors are incentivized to hold onto their tokens for two weeks without selling—a move that essentially locks up supply even as demand for $COPIUM is peaking.

Crypto Influencers See 100x Potential for $COPIUM

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The Copium project’s small, invite-only presale means that this meme coin hasn’t gotten as much attention as some other emerging meme coins. But now that it’s launched on Uniswap, crypto traders and influencers have quickly taken notice.

$COPIUM is backed by some of the biggest names in crypto, including influencers like Faze Banks (2.8 million Twitter followers), DeeZee (250k followers), Cozomo de’ Medici (289k followers), and foobar (130k followers).

On top of that, $COPIUM is quickly building a social following of its own. Its Twitter account has gained more than 14,000 followers. The $COPIUM Telegram community—which hasn’t even officially launched yet—has nearly 1,000 members.

Early Price Action Sees $COPIUM Soar

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Since the token launched on Uniswap a few minutes ago, it’s already gained 435%—an astonishingly rapid rise. The token is currently trading around $0.0090 and $COPIUM has a market cap of $8.9 million

Trading volume since launch is up to $976,000. $COPIUM has a total liquidity of $3.9 million on Uniswap.

There are more than 2,500 wallets trading the coin and nearly 1,400 token holders, according to DEXTools. These early indicators suggest that $COPIUM is preparing for a much larger run.

Traders can now buy $COPIUM on Uniswap DEX with either ETH or USDT. The contract address is 0x36520f6336490088c2455279C59CEFaC66984b36.

Buy $COPIUM on Uniswap

DISCLAIMER: This is not to be taken as investment advice. Crypto is a volatile asset, do your own research before investing and only invest money you can afford to lose. We may receive commission for clicking links in this article.

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